Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time to Let Loose in the White House

Let’s all relax! Who doesn’t dread having to get “dressed up” to go to work? Day after day you put on that coat and tie all the while dreaming of endless casual Fridays. Well change has finally come to D.C. This should come as no surprise because President Obama did “[promise] to bring change to Washington and he has — not just in substance, but in presidential style.” The rule of coat and tie in the oval office at all times is out the window. That’s not all… “He shows up at the Oval Office shortly before 9 in the morning, roughly two hours later than his early-to-bed, early-to-rise predecessor. Mr. Obama likes to have his workout — weights and cardio — first thing in the morning, at 6:45. (Mr. Bush slipped away to exercise midday.)”
Read full article

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